DefaultController :: defaultAction


GET Parameters

No GET parameters

POST Parameters

No POST parameters

Uploaded Files

No files were uploaded

Request Attributes

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        <h4><span style="font-size:16px">Technical details</span></h4>\n
        <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="table-left" style="width:396px">\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Roller width</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1400 mm<br />\n
        \t\t\t2600 mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Size of the preparation tables<br />\n
        \t\t\tin mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1300 x 3000 mm<br />\n
        \t\t\t2500 x 3000 mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Transport tables</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2 oder 4</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Prep tables</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2, 4, 6, 8 oder 10</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Cutting</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1250 kN o. 1600 kN</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Cutting force in kN</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">200</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Prep table sizes in mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2500 x 3000</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Passage between the two steel rollers in mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">20 - 150</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Transport speed in m/min</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">20 - 40</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Working height in mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">800</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Drive power in kW</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2 x 3</td>\n
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        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Roller width</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1400 mm<br />\n
        \t\t\t2600 mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Size of the preparation tables<br />\n
        \t\t\tin mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1300 x 3000 mm<br />\n
        \t\t\t2500 x 3000 mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Transport tables</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2 oder 4</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Prep tables</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2, 4, 6, 8 oder 10</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Cutting</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1250 kN o. 1600 kN</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Cutting force in kN</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">200</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Prep table sizes in mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2500 x 3000</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Passage between the two steel rollers in mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">20 - 150</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Transport speed in m/min</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">20 - 40</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Working height in mm</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">800</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Drive power in kW</td>\n
        \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2 x 3</td>\n
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        \t<li>Roller cutting machine</li>\n
        \t<li>Transport tables with friction wheel drives</li>\n
        \t<li>Lifting stations for cover plate</li>\n
        \t<li>Preparation tables in stable steel construction</li>\n
        \t<li>Cutting and cover plates</li>\n
        \t<li>Pneumatic swiveling transfer arms</li>\n
        \t<li>Pneumatically lowerable guide rails</li>\n
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        \t<li>Roller cutting machine</li>\n
        \t<li>Transport tables with friction wheel drives</li>\n
        \t<li>Lifting stations for cover plate</li>\n
        \t<li>Preparation tables in stable steel construction</li>\n
        \t<li>Cutting and cover plates</li>\n
        \t<li>Pneumatic swiveling transfer arms</li>\n
        \t<li>Pneumatically lowerable guide rails</li>\n
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        \t<li>Cutting die rack</li>\n
        \t<li>Industry 4.0 connection</li>\n
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        \t<li>Cutting die rack</li>\n
        \t<li>Industry 4.0 connection</li>\n
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        <p>Material and cutting dies are loaded on the cutting board. By pressing the start button the request is stored in the PLC and shown on the touch panel. The cutting boards will be handled in the sequence the start buttons are pushed on related preparation tables.</p>\n
        <p>The guide bar at the transport table is automatically lowered, the transfer devices swing out and the cutting board is manually pushed onto the transport table until its onward movement is undertaken by the transport wheels.</p>\n
        <p>When the cutting board rests completely on the transport table, the lifting device lowers and places the „sandwich“ board onto the cutting dies. The transport wheels swivel and transport the cutting board between the cutting rollers through the machine. Thereby the leather hide is cut continuously.</p>\n
        <p>The sandwich height can be chosen separately for each preparation table (0,1 mm steps) and is controlled via light barrier on infeed and outfeed side of the cutting area.</p>\n
        <p>Once the cutting board has completely passed through the machine, the transport wheels are stopped and steel rollers are changed over for the return transportation of the cutting board. The upper cutting roller is lifted to avoid double cuts. As soon as the cutting board is returned to its initial position under the fi rst lifting device, the sandwich board is removed and the cutting board is partially moved by the driven transport wheels and then manually back onto the preparation table. After removing of the cut parts, the cutting board can be prepared for the next pass through the machine.</p>\n
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        <p>Material and cutting dies are loaded on the cutting board. By pressing the start button the request is stored in the PLC and shown on the touch panel. The cutting boards will be handled in the sequence the start buttons are pushed on related preparation tables.</p>\n
        <p>The guide bar at the transport table is automatically lowered, the transfer devices swing out and the cutting board is manually pushed onto the transport table until its onward movement is undertaken by the transport wheels.</p>\n
        <p>When the cutting board rests completely on the transport table, the lifting device lowers and places the „sandwich“ board onto the cutting dies. The transport wheels swivel and transport the cutting board between the cutting rollers through the machine. Thereby the leather hide is cut continuously.</p>\n
        <p>The sandwich height can be chosen separately for each preparation table (0,1 mm steps) and is controlled via light barrier on infeed and outfeed side of the cutting area.</p>\n
        <p>Once the cutting board has completely passed through the machine, the transport wheels are stopped and steel rollers are changed over for the return transportation of the cutting board. The upper cutting roller is lifted to avoid double cuts. As soon as the cutting board is returned to its initial position under the fi rst lifting device, the sandwich board is removed and the cutting board is partially moved by the driven transport wheels and then manually back onto the preparation table. After removing of the cut parts, the cutting board can be prepared for the next pass through the machine.</p>\n
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        \t<li>Separately synchronized drives for steel cutting rollers – no mechanical wear parts</li>\n
        \t<li>&nbsp;“Sandwich” design, different heights can be chosen for each preparation table</li>\n
        \t<li>less wear of cutting dies and cutting boards</li>\n
        \t<li>Electrical drive will be switched-on only when required - energy optimization</li>\n
        \t<li>Siemens S7 PLC with menu guided touch screen panel - easy (clear text) and troublefree operation</li>\n
        \t<li>long-time availability of spare parts</li>\n
        \t<li>Ergonomic working height of 800 mm</li>\n
        \t<li>Machine can be extended by up to 10 preparation tables</li>\n
        \t<li>Remote control available via VPN connection</li>\n
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        \t<li>Separately synchronized drives for steel cutting rollers – no mechanical wear parts</li>\n
        \t<li>&nbsp;“Sandwich” design, different heights can be chosen for each preparation table</li>\n
        \t<li>less wear of cutting dies and cutting boards</li>\n
        \t<li>Electrical drive will be switched-on only when required - energy optimization</li>\n
        \t<li>Siemens S7 PLC with menu guided touch screen panel - easy (clear text) and troublefree operation</li>\n
        \t<li>long-time availability of spare parts</li>\n
        \t<li>Ergonomic working height of 800 mm</li>\n
        \t<li>Machine can be extended by up to 10 preparation tables</li>\n
        \t<li>Remote control available via VPN connection</li>\n
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          <h4><span style="font-size:16px">Technical details</span></h4>\n
          <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="table-left" style="width:396px">\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Roller width</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1400 mm<br />\n
          \t\t\t2600 mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Size of the preparation tables<br />\n
          \t\t\tin mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1300 x 3000 mm<br />\n
          \t\t\t2500 x 3000 mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Transport tables</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2 oder 4</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Prep tables</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2, 4, 6, 8 oder 10</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Cutting</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1250 kN o. 1600 kN</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Cutting force in kN</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">200</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Prep table sizes in mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2500 x 3000</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Passage between the two steel rollers in mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">20 - 150</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Transport speed in m/min</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">20 - 40</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Working height in mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">800</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Drive power in kW</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2 x 3</td>\n
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          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Roller width</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1400 mm<br />\n
          \t\t\t2600 mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Size of the preparation tables<br />\n
          \t\t\tin mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1300 x 3000 mm<br />\n
          \t\t\t2500 x 3000 mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Transport tables</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2 oder 4</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Prep tables</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2, 4, 6, 8 oder 10</td>\n
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          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">1250 kN o. 1600 kN</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Cutting force in kN</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">200</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Prep table sizes in mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2500 x 3000</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Passage between the two steel rollers in mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">20 - 150</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Transport speed in m/min</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">20 - 40</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Working height in mm</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">800</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="width:247px">Drive power in kW</td>\n
          \t\t\t<td style="text-align:right; width:133px">2 x 3</td>\n
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          \t<li>Roller cutting machine</li>\n
          \t<li>Transport tables with friction wheel drives</li>\n
          \t<li>Lifting stations for cover plate</li>\n
          \t<li>Preparation tables in stable steel construction</li>\n
          \t<li>Cutting and cover plates</li>\n
          \t<li>Pneumatic swiveling transfer arms</li>\n
          \t<li>Pneumatically lowerable guide rails</li>\n
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          \t<li>Roller cutting machine</li>\n
          \t<li>Transport tables with friction wheel drives</li>\n
          \t<li>Lifting stations for cover plate</li>\n
          \t<li>Preparation tables in stable steel construction</li>\n
          \t<li>Cutting and cover plates</li>\n
          \t<li>Pneumatic swiveling transfer arms</li>\n
          \t<li>Pneumatically lowerable guide rails</li>\n
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          \t<li>Cutting die rack</li>\n
          \t<li>Industry 4.0 connection</li>\n
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          \t<li>Cutting die rack</li>\n
          \t<li>Industry 4.0 connection</li>\n
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          <p>Material and cutting dies are loaded on the cutting board. By pressing the start button the request is stored in the PLC and shown on the touch panel. The cutting boards will be handled in the sequence the start buttons are pushed on related preparation tables.</p>\n
          <p>The guide bar at the transport table is automatically lowered, the transfer devices swing out and the cutting board is manually pushed onto the transport table until its onward movement is undertaken by the transport wheels.</p>\n
          <p>When the cutting board rests completely on the transport table, the lifting device lowers and places the „sandwich“ board onto the cutting dies. The transport wheels swivel and transport the cutting board between the cutting rollers through the machine. Thereby the leather hide is cut continuously.</p>\n
          <p>The sandwich height can be chosen separately for each preparation table (0,1 mm steps) and is controlled via light barrier on infeed and outfeed side of the cutting area.</p>\n
          <p>Once the cutting board has completely passed through the machine, the transport wheels are stopped and steel rollers are changed over for the return transportation of the cutting board. The upper cutting roller is lifted to avoid double cuts. As soon as the cutting board is returned to its initial position under the fi rst lifting device, the sandwich board is removed and the cutting board is partially moved by the driven transport wheels and then manually back onto the preparation table. After removing of the cut parts, the cutting board can be prepared for the next pass through the machine.</p>\n
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          <p>Material and cutting dies are loaded on the cutting board. By pressing the start button the request is stored in the PLC and shown on the touch panel. The cutting boards will be handled in the sequence the start buttons are pushed on related preparation tables.</p>\n
          <p>The guide bar at the transport table is automatically lowered, the transfer devices swing out and the cutting board is manually pushed onto the transport table until its onward movement is undertaken by the transport wheels.</p>\n
          <p>When the cutting board rests completely on the transport table, the lifting device lowers and places the „sandwich“ board onto the cutting dies. The transport wheels swivel and transport the cutting board between the cutting rollers through the machine. Thereby the leather hide is cut continuously.</p>\n
          <p>The sandwich height can be chosen separately for each preparation table (0,1 mm steps) and is controlled via light barrier on infeed and outfeed side of the cutting area.</p>\n
          <p>Once the cutting board has completely passed through the machine, the transport wheels are stopped and steel rollers are changed over for the return transportation of the cutting board. The upper cutting roller is lifted to avoid double cuts. As soon as the cutting board is returned to its initial position under the fi rst lifting device, the sandwich board is removed and the cutting board is partially moved by the driven transport wheels and then manually back onto the preparation table. After removing of the cut parts, the cutting board can be prepared for the next pass through the machine.</p>\n
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          \t<li>Separately synchronized drives for steel cutting rollers – no mechanical wear parts</li>\n
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